Upto 2300kW
Refrion Ecooler has been designed to meet the increasing demand for free-cooling applications, with a system that optimizes the adiabatic saturation of air, incorporating a water recirculation system and high efficiency EC fans
Refrion Ecooler has been designed to meet the increasing demand for free-cooling applications, with a system that optimizes the adiabatic saturation of air, incorporating a water recirculation system and high efficiency EC fans

Upto 2040kW
Superjumbo offers the very best performance in the Refrion Dry Cooler range. It guarantees extremely high efficiency and cooling output per square foot of occupied space.
Superjumbo offers the very best performance in the Refrion Dry Cooler range. It guarantees extremely high efficiency and cooling output per square foot of occupied space.

Upto 1600kW
The Combo series has a special feature to generate the greatest amount of power that can be transported via container. Combo, in fact, achieves excellent results bringing together power and transportability
The Combo series has a special feature to generate the greatest amount of power that can be transported via container. Combo, in fact, achieves excellent results bringing together power and transportability

Upto 935kW
Refrion has designed the Tower series which maintains the same level of performance, while limiting the overall height dimensions, thus achieving an installation with a low visual impact
Refrion has designed the Tower series which maintains the same level of performance, while limiting the overall height dimensions, thus achieving an installation with a low visual impact

Upto 800kW
The new Wall model meets the increasingly challenging market demands. A wall installation represents the best ergonomic design, even in small spaces
The new Wall model meets the increasingly challenging market demands. A wall installation represents the best ergonomic design, even in small spaces
Refrion dry air coolers are built to the highest standard and furthermore all performance data is certified by Eurovent.
All dry air coolers are available with oval tube heat exchangers for maximum efficiency and also lower power input.
All dry air coolers are available with oval tube heat exchangers for maximum efficiency and also lower power input.